grand canyon

Our family is taking a road trip! I took this trip with my grandparents when I was just a bit younger than A and Z are now. Even though I expect they are going to hate the long hours on the road, I think the girls are going to be awed by the canyon. I …

Road Trip to the OBX

Photo Gallery from the OBX Includes: Views from the rental house in Duck, Wild Horses of Corrolla, Cape hatteras Lighthouse, and and unscheduled stop to watch para-surfing

Photo gallery – Denver Feb, 2010

I often find lots of great opportunities to enjoy the place that I am visiting for work. These are shots from a trip to Denver in Feb, 2010 for the ACA National Conference. I had the chance to follow behind a couple of great photogs Tim and Shari. We walked around on a snowy night …

road maps

I read this article recently. In the article there was a quote. It was written that a road map's no good without a destination. While I understand that the author was just using a simple analogy to make his point, I just have to add my thoughts about how road maps are much more than …